Blade Lite 47 inch retractable banner stand with zerocurl graphic banner.

Blade Lite 47 inch retractable banner stand parts and carry bag.

Blade Lite 47 Retractable Banner Stand

The Blade Lite 47 is an attractive, sleek stand in anodized silver with chrome finish endcaps and a streamlined base design. The graphic measures 47.25"W, with a variable graphic height of 60" - 83.25"H. Comes complete with carry bag.


Blade Lite 47 Banner Stand w/ZeroCurl Banner -- $510

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Specifications: Banner visual area is 47.25" wide by 83.25" high.

*Graphics printed from your supplied digital files

Price includes printed pre-production proofs upon request (all shipping charges additional).

Standard Production Time: 2 business days from receipt of artwork and final approval.

Graphic Specifications and Guidelines


Banner Stand Accessories:

Banner Stand LED Light -- $110


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